Thursday, December 17, 2020

SLJ | day 6

Hello to all. Today I learnt about Tānerore. I also made a Maori pattern using all of the patterns shown in the video.


  1. Mōrena Jacob

    Ben here from the SLJ commenting team.

    Ka rawe, those are some really cool kowhaiwhai interpretations! You have a creative flair and you’re not afraid to try something different and I think that’s great.

    With these pictures you drew, do they represent anything?

    Mā te wā

  2. Hello Ben, yes all of them tell something, like one of them is shaped like a hammer head shark and that mean strength.

  3. Hey Jacob

    Hope you had a nice weekend. Thanks for replying and telling me about the meaning of these symbols. All the best for your week, I look forward to seeing your blogs!



SLJ | Day 9

  Hello to all. This is day 9 of the SLJ. We learnt about code. This was fun and challenging. Enjoy.