Sunday, November 29, 2020

The different ending to harry potter

………...Harry and Voldemort shouted “avdakadabra”  but voldemort was too strong, with a flick of the rist voldemort killed harry once and for good. He then proceeded to take over Hogwarts and he's still there today. 

The PCS newspaper



exclusive interview with Jacob Shadbolt and the author of the Harry Potter series

Hello. This week when got to choose what tasks we can do one of the options was make a interview video about an author. Me being JK Rowling getting surveyed by me. 

I will release the unneeded video if I can get 5 comments so comment (plz).



Monday, November 9, 2020

Pahurehure inlet


Hello my name is Jacob.
Today I did my inlet work.
It was hard and fun. 
There was lot of work to do.

Friday, November 6, 2020



Reading W4 T4


This is my reading work for the week.


 Last Xmas I went to Fiji, here how it was. There was a big starfish like a BIG STARFISH. I'm talking 5 feet tall, 345 pounds of Starfish.

There was also a tiny crab like 0.1cm o.ooo1kg.

So that's a big starfish and a tiny crab.

There was also a belly flop contest, the winner was me of course, I'm the best at everything. Like swimming ,diving, rowing, fishing and way more.

SLJ | Day 9

  Hello to all. This is day 9 of the SLJ. We learnt about code. This was fun and challenging. Enjoy.