Thursday, March 12, 2020

Reading W6 T1

 So today I finished my learning for the Week (Reading).
 I had fun making the poster and reading the poem.
 If that sounds good to you then your in for a treat.
 Please leave feed back in the comments.


  1. Great work Jacob it's's one of the best blog posts I'm seeing you've got all the schools in the right place you got describing words it's perfect.

    I have read this post very carefully I noticed that you have done a lot of capitals in the right place.

    why did you choose to the number four it's a great number. I'm doing it two.

    maybe you can give us some more facts and articles so we could maybe keep reading

    From James

  2. Hello Jacob I like that you tick the one you finished i thank you need to add more description to you work and i thank you should add more on your embarrassed met slide.

  3. that is very good but you should put more detail in what you were doing


SLJ | Day 9

  Hello to all. This is day 9 of the SLJ. We learnt about code. This was fun and challenging. Enjoy.